Elementary Schoolgirl Fights goes to Court

The lawsuit of the victim in the case of a fight between students SDK John Gabriel submitted to the District Court (PN), Surabaya, Monday.

Joni Iwansyah as legal adviser had the initials MJ victims filed civil suits against perpetrators initials BM.

"In this lawsuit we filed a compensation cost of care and continued maintenance costs for Rp27.273.800, 2000," said Joni.

The lawsuit was filed because MJ injury at the crotch and hips due to exposed BM-kick.

"Our lawsuit has also been registered by the Surabaya District," she said as she showed a copy of the lawsuit with the register number: 664/Pdt.G/2010/PN.Sby it.

In the letter explained that the lawsuit was a fight of John Gabriel antarsiswi SDK occurred on February 25, 2010. During recess, BM who was sitting in class IA pushing MJ, IB-grader.

Victim fell backward. In the supine position, the crotch kick BM MJ and left running into the classroom.

MJ was in pain due to bleeding. The girl who lived with both parents on the Road East Ploso immediately rushed to the hospital Adi Husada.

Victim hospitalized for seven days.

"Based on the results of physician examination and x-rays, known to hip bone and the bone cracked MJ vagina," said Joni reveals.

After otherwise recover, the victim is allowed home. However, victims often complain every time urination and should be routinely control.

While undergoing treatment, the families of the victims to bear their own costs assisted by the school. The victim's family had filed a demand for compensation to the families BM.

"But the family of actors, not willing to help with medical expenses," said Joni.

Are regarded not have a good faith, counsel for the victims even register a lawsuit against the perpetrators of the family through the Surabaya District.

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