Indonesia Retail CD Go Bankrupt

Recently we were shocked with news of the closing of one of the largest CD retailer in Indonesia. Retail called Aquarius is located along the Pondok Indah, finally gave in to the situation and immediately closed for good in September.
Though CD retail Aquarius Pondok Indah is one of the largest retail property giant label Aquarius Musikindo national who has been open since early 1995. This condition is very ironic given that in the era of the 90s, this retailer is never empty.

Various tapes and CDs of various genres of music can be found at the store. Even retail Aquarius practically become a kind of barometer for the resurrection of an icon and the music industry at that time. "Because of the physical sales of recordings that continue to decline and high operational cost that we finally decided to close this store," explained Joseph, general manager of Aquarius Musikindo.

Retail CD Aquarius Pondok Indah is not the first retailer shuttered. Hundreds of cassettes and CD retailer in Indonesia, has closed during the last two years. One was even a shop that has been in operation for decades and become an icon of Bandung as a barometer of the music that is Aquarius located at Jalan Dago. Since December 2009, Aquarius Dago officially closed. Conditions were not only experienced slumped Aquarius.

Some cassettes in retail malls in Bandung shut down. According Meidi Ferialdi, Marketing Manager Musikindo Aquarius, the higher rents the place where it can not make compromise more with the cost each year. He promised Aquarius store will reopen in Bandung in a different place, either when exactly. Music sales slump in the physical shape of the packaging occurs not only in Indonesia.

Record companies like Sony BMG or Universal also experienced a sales slump. Even international retail classmates tapes and CDs record any Virgin or Tower collapsed dramatically. Currently the music store that sells tapes and CDs pressure from existing digital music stores on the internet (in fact the word digital music store is a little inaccurate because the CD is also already in digital format). They finally had to close his shop. It is unfortunate, because it really does not have to close his shop, because they will still be needed with different formats. Big wave has indeed been happening in the world of music.

In Indonesia began in the mid 90's with the birth of the giants of the hijackers. Then jump in magnitude occurred in 2000 when the era of music sales were taken over by the system of Ring Back Tone (RBT). Since then, sales of cassettes and CDs have fallen so drastically. Earlier in 2009, PT Aquarius Musikindo has first stop of their productions in the form of cassettes. After the ringback tones, full track downloads turn business into a new hope the music industry.

This is the only type of digital music that can be a mine of money in this country. Imagine, over 2009 profits achieved by the telecommunications industry and the music industry from the ringback tone, spelled success, estimated at more than Rp1, 5 trillion. The golden age of physical album sales in Indonesia officially almost closed. Beginning of this new decade is one of the worst in the history of the recording industry in the country.

Carrying only about 10 million albums sold legally in Indonesia during 2008, as revealed by the data ASIRI (Recording Industry Association of Indonesia). Whereas the previous year was recorded sales of 19.4 million copies and 2006 amounted to 23.7 million copies.

Sales last year ASIRI unreleased until now estimated to decline approximately 10% -15%. Conversely, the number of physical music piracy in Indonesia have been increasing like crazy. If in 1996 ASIRI record 20 million copies in circulation of pirated albums, twelve years later or in 2008 the number swelled to 550 million pieces of fantastic! The ratio of the circulation of pirated and legal music album in 2007 even reached 96%: 4%, this figure will presumably continue to grow this year.

Record labels who are members of ASIRI also suffered the same fate that is closed. This condition is further exacerbated by the off hand of government in efforts to save the music industry from the threat of collapse.

Yet when it launched in 2009 as the Year of Creative Industries, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, had said that the music industry is a creative economy industries that recorded the fastest growth rates among other industry types, approximately 18-22%.

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