FPI Will Kill Erwin Ermada Play Boy Magazine Editor

Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) this afternoon, Friday, August 27, 2010, will be staged a large scale in the Jakarta High Prosecutors, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, South Jakarta. Demonstrations will be held after Friday prayers, until the entry time of fasting.

FPI will demand that the Supreme Court immediately execute a two-year prison sentence against editor of Play Boy Magazine, Erwin Ermada.

Supreme Court confirmed the decision of the High Court stating Erwin violate Article 282 of the Criminal Code regarding obscenity offenses.

"Supreme Court shall execute Erwin Ermada now. This is certainly no game," said Secretary of FPI, Habib Noval, suspiciously.

The news about the still independent Erwin, Noval said, became known only six days ago after prosecutors informed the matter to the FPI.

If not responded to demands FPI, Habib Rizieq army leadership is threatening to hunt down and capture Erwin own.

"We've prepared for it. Photo Erwin will be spread as a fugitive," Noval said again.

Noval adds two members of the FPI is found guilty for committing vandalism during demonstrations refuse circulation Play Boy Magazine, has been a period of imprisonment for seven months.

This case stems from complaints to the police FPI. The prosecutor then demanded Erwin with two-year prison sentence. In the indictment, prosecutors assess Erwin violating Article 282 of the Criminal Code of decency and propriety. Erwin acquitted the South Jakarta District Court in the year 2007.

Meanwhile in his twitter timeline, Erwin denied ditudingkan fugitive as FPI. "One thing is for sure, I'm not a fugitive," he writes.

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