Meaning of Lebaran Card Rp1, 7 M Governor of West Java

West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan send greeting cards or Lebaran Idul Fitri with the pure intention to establish friendship, as well as addressing existing residents in remote areas of West Java, which may not have been touched by technology, be it text message / SMS or email / Internet.

Of the total population of West Java, which reaches 43 million more and widespread in the 26th District, the 450 thousand cards delivered only about one percent only.

"The value of taste, attention, friendship, intimacy and happiness can not be calculated with the rupiah. I believe Lebaran Greeting Cards are better able to present the visual space and the space closer to the text for Governor in addressing its citizens, "said Heryawan in writing, Friday, August 27, 2010.

"So the choice of sending cards is not anything wrong Lebaran. Sending a text message or SMS is also my journey, let alone the number of cards sent only 1 percent of the total population of West Java," said Heryawan.

Although only send to one percent of the population, one stamp worth Rp1.500 delivery or total Rp675 million. This card printing costs Rp700 million.

According Heryawan not prohibited if a Governor is elected directly by the people, choose how to communicate through Lebaran Card shipment. That way, the governor wants to pay attention to its citizens through a speech of apology at a special day, Idul Fitri 1431 H.

For him, with Lebaran Card is a form of high appreciation for their support and prayers of the people of West Java on a task that becomes amanahnya. At the same time commitment and moral responsibility to share happiness on Eid day for the citizens.

"A more personal touch of a greeting card capable of representing the presence of a person, representing the expression of the liver, as well as to cure the longing heart. An even greeting cards can give warmth and closer to myself, "said Heryawan promoted the National Mandate Party and the Prosperous Justice Party.

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