Jakarta is Not Safe for Children

In what appears to be yet another entirely preventable tragedy, a mother allegedly murdered her baby daughter despite admissions from the neighborhood head that the woman beat her child “almost every day.”
Second Insp. Suseno Adi Wibowo, head of detectives with Pademangan Police in North Jakarta, said the mother, Tina, 35, had been taken into custody for the murder of her 15-month-old baby, Meisy.

Ida, a neighbor of Tina’s, told Vivanews.com that Tina had run out of her house on Jalan Pesanggrahan 1 at 6 a.m. on Wednesday morning carrying Meisy’s limp body.

“She shouted for help, and asked, ‘What happened to my child?” Ida said.

She said neighbors, however, observed blood seeping from Meisy’s right ear and bruises covering her face, chest, stomach and genitals. They immediately alerted police.

Tina’s surviving daughters, Nuryanti, 11, Desti, 9 and Devi, 5, told investigators that their mother often beat them, as well as Meisy.

Their statement was confirmed by the neighborhood head, Overus.

“Tina beat Meisy almost every day,” Overus said.

Ida said Tina “beat Meisy with her hands, spoons or a plastic bucket. If we the neighbors tried to stop her, she told us to ‘butt out’ and said, ‘she’s my child,” Ida said.

She added that Tina’s other daughters often told neighbors about their mother’s violent behavior.

“Nuryanti, the oldest child, told me that her mother poured hot water on her because she didn’t want to take a shower,” she said.

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