Malaysia Afraid of Indonesia

Malaysia Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah states, Malaysia lost patience demonstrations related to fixed to the embassy in Jakarta. Nevertheless, it will not do the same thing as the Indonesian protesters at the Embassy of Malaysia some time ago.
The statement was conveyed in a press conference held on Wednesday (25/08/2010), yesterday.

"We do not forgive what Indonesia did, two errors can not be justified. I do not think will push Malaysia to do the same, burning flags and throwing dirt. In fact, we will stop them from doing it," he said.

Anifah said the demonstrations by throwing human excrement at the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta and threats against citizens of Malaysia in Indonesia, can create negative perceptions among the public. Furthermore, it could affect bilateral relations between both countries.

He said Malaysia's patience has been tested and it will not tolerate the situation for much longer.

"They have political issues and their own households in Indonesia. But we do not want Malaysia to be victims," said Anifah.

"In international relations, we must give and take. But more than that we must protect the integrity of our country," he added.

Related events, Anifah suggest to the Consulate of Malaysia to increase security to safeguard the interests of Malaysia.

"They should put such a blockade so that the discarded object will not reach the embassy," he said.

He regretted that the demonstrations continued in the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta, although the two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia, have been addressing issues related to the arrest of seven Malaysian fishermen and three officers of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, last week.

Anifah also said it would appeal to Malaysian citizens not to fly to Indonesia. "We will monitor the situation. If necessary, we will issue a travel advisory," said Anifah.

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