Playboy Magazine Indonesia Goes To Jail

Head of Legal Affairs of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Munarman, asked the Press Council does not defend the Chief Editor of Playboy magazine, Erwin Arnada, who has been declared guilty by the Supreme Court (MA) for violating Article 282 of the Criminal Code regarding obscenity.

"Press Council should not force yourself to defend pornography. Later the society considers it pornography even so the board, "said Munarman news conference in the FPI headquarters, Jalan Petamburan III, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 26, 2010.

The exit of the court's decision, according Munarman Playboy Magazine has proven that violate decency offenses subject to the Penal Code, Press Law is not regulated.

Because Munarman assess these cases are not included in the press offenses, the Press Law can not be used.

"So, do not use the Press Law to defend pornography. Because the press council was not higher than MA. This fully authorized the Supreme Court. "

Unfortunately the attitude of the Press Council which was submitted by a member Munarman Press Council, Agus Sudibyo, this morning.

"The judges should use the Press Law to prosecute. Because this is a publication of the press," said Agus.

According to Agus, if that becomes the focus of attention is reporting suspected cases of pornography, the Press Act also accommodates about it. Entrap the press without the Press Act he would not be fair value.

The court has decided Erwin Arnada guilty. Panel of the Supreme Court appeal was sentenced to two years imprisonment for him.

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