Kadin: Indonesia vs Malaysia Tension Do Not Disturb Business

Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia Adi Putra Tahir hopes, tensions Indonesia-Malaysia relations not to interfere with business relationships to the two countries. "Do not bother," said Adi Putra in Jakarta, Friday (27 / 8).
Adi Putra said, until now the tension between the two countries not yet affected the import export and investment activities. Chamber of Commerce urged the government to resolve the issue so as not explicitly drawn out and disrupt the economic relationship between the two countries.

"The government should resolve firmly, if Malaysia's foreign minister to protest, we protest. Assertion will not reduce anything, but not to rekindle the spirit that makes people act of anarchy," said Adi Putra.

Adi Putra also suggested the government use this event to resolve various problems which are still jammed between the Indonesia-Malaysia relations. One of them about the smuggling of timber land to the neighbor through the border regions.

Nevertheless, the government must still establish economic relations with Malaysia since until now the country is still a significant business partner. "Because of Malaysia's borders with both us and become a member of ASEAN. We must unite in ASEAN so as not to bite other economic forces," Adi Putra.

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