Ten State-Owned Enterprises Offer IPO in the 2011

Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises targeted 10 state-owned enterprises can offer (IPO) on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2011. "We will seek state-owned companies into the stock market can continue to grow," said Mustafa Abubakar, Minister of State in Jakarta, Friday (27 / 8).

According to Mustafa, the goal of the government encouraged the company posted a share in stock, in addition to capital, as well as improving company performance. In 2010, the government is targeting four companies listing on the stock market.

"We are very concerned to increase the number of state signed in the capital market. Because it is proven that listed SOEs able to acquire up to 30 percent of market capitalization," said Mustafa.

Mustafa said that currently as many as 16 state-owned companies have entered the stock exchange. "If there are about 10-12 more then the role of SOEs in national stock market moves higher, which ultimately became one of the drivers of our strong economy," Mustafa said, as quoted.

Indonesian stock market conditions, currently very good, so it must be responded to by increasing the number of issuers in the market. "If the number of issuers are not added feared will happen in the stock market bubble," said Mustafa.

Even so, Deputy Minister for Restructuring and Privatization of SOEs Mahmudin Yasin not specify a list of companies that will enter the capital market. "Just wait. In essence, that the IPO funds to strengthen the company's capital, not to be paid to the state," said Yasin. The 10 companies are still going to propose to the Committee on Privatization.

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