Marty Natalegawa did not want to resign yet even though he was embarrassing the country

Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa denied it engaged in an effort to slow the process of freeing the three Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries officers who arrested Malaysia.
"We are moving quickly rather than slow," Marty said in a working meeting with House Commission I (defense and foreign) in the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (25 / 8).

According to Marty, who first performed in providing protection for Indonesian citizen is to ensure the presence of NOA officers and how their condition so that no delay in returning to Indonesia. Furthermore, affirming the sovereignty of Indonesia in the claim area.

"The response, I can confirm almost instantaneously. Soon we report the President, Menkopolhukam and instructed Ambassador and Consul General in person, a hand on. I reserve the Ambassador directly to the field where the search, make sure the condition and location," he said.

Marty continued, no one minute is taken up only because of the location procedure. Ambassador and Consul General in motion and called the police and deputy chief of police Kings Malaysia.

"We are active all levels. So, after the known existence and given assistance, the three officers returned NOA dated August 17," he asserted.

Marty added Kemenlu also contact the Foreign Minister of Malaysia to express thanks and no loud protests over violations of the Indonesian territory. "And not less important, we urge the three NOA officers immediately returned to Indonesia," he added.

Three officers of Riau Islands NOA fisheries supervisor was arrested by Malaysian police Kings Friday (13 / 8) night when they were herding the neighbor country of fishermen caught stealing fish in Indonesian waters.

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