Who's Throwing Feces Into Malaysian Embassy?

Malaysia's criticism flowing from the action following the throwing feces into the courtyard Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta on 23 August. Islamic leaders, political parties and organizations in the country neighbor called for the dissolution of Castle group People's Democracy (Bendera).

Jamaat Secretary reconciliation Penang, Isma'il Isaac spark, a dirty flag and actions are inconsistent with the spirit of Muslim brotherhood.

"ASEAN countries should learn how to respect," he said as reported by Malaysian daily, The Star, Wednesday (25/08/2010).

PAS Youth Chief Hasan Nasrudin Tantawi seeks to question the reasons why the flag lead to disharmony of the two countries is no longer an issue. Because the three employees and the Department of Marine Fisheries (DKP) Kepri that Malaysian police had detained had been released.

Nasrudin had urged the Indonesian authorities investigating the motive and identify the mastermind Flag this action.

As for the Penang Muslim League chairman Datuk Haja Najmudeen Cadres urged the government to ban groups of flag RI. Reason, the flag has caused problems between the two Muslim countries.

President of Muslim Youth Sports Club, Munower Sadiq urged the Indonesian government to take stern action against the flag.

"When the Indonesian leaders to come here, they say that we have the same root, same religion, same race, and so on. If it is true so why do things like that?" she declared.

On Monday, August 23 and then, a group of protesters demonstrated in front of the flag of Malaysia Embassy in Jakarta. In its action, they threw human waste into the courtyard of Malaysia Embassy.

Protesters are also stepping-nginjak Malaysian flag and pollute it with feces. Action is carried out in protest over the arrest of three officers of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) Kepri by Malaysian police some time ago. All three had been released on 17 August.

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