The contribution of 1 Trillion Rupiah to buy voice at the International

The inclusion of Indonesia as a member of international organizations and financial institutions in 2011, requires that Indonesia participated spend to pay dues.
Organizations and international financial institutions listed in the 2011 Draft Budget, among others, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), USAID trust funds, trust funds ASEAN and the OECD Development Centre.

In the 2011 Budget outlined the mandatory dues paid by Indonesia at Rp 1.036 trillion. "As long as we still have to be a member our dues. That every year. The amount could change. If we're still a member, we must pay dues as well," said Ministry of Finance Debt Management Director General Rahmat Waluyanto.

Based on the financial memorandum and the State Budget 2011, the membership of Indonesia in international organizations and financial institutions can generate fiscal risks associated with the Government's commitment to provide contributions and investments to an organization or international financial institutions.

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