Save Surabaya Zoo Now

Internal conflicts which cause the deaths of a number of animal collections Zoo Surabaya, East Java, the reaction of a number of people fishing. Generally, they urged Surabaya Mayor Bambang Dwi Hartono intervene to save the zoo that has become the icon that City of Heroes. "Internal conflict is settled. And I think the mayor should drop straight down to resolve this outside of the legal issues," said Freddy H. Istanto, Chairman of the Surabaya Heritage.

To resolve the feud between the camps zoo body Stany Subakir and Rekso Basuki, has formed a management team temporarily. The team consists of representatives from the Natural Resources Conservation Center (CNRC), East Java, Director of the Safari Park, as well as management of the Surabaya Zoo. Corrective measures taken include improving the collection of animal health.

According to the temporary management, recent animal deaths have been exaggerated. In fact, the number of deaths is relatively small compared to the birth. "Yang was born it was never reported," said Sarodjo, Area Head of the Forestry Department of East Java II NRCA.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Team Veterinarian Surabaya Zoo asked anyone its administrators, should also pay attention to animal health problems. "Anyone who runs, there should be improvement of infrastructure and facilities, for example repair cages, cage maintenance," said Liang Kaspe veterinarian.

From the monitoring, some of the Surabaya Zoo animal collection was in appalling condition. Komodo dragon, for example, whose body was injured and the peacock. If these conditions are left without repair, it could be the death of rare animals is only a matter of counting days only.

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