Population problems in Jakarta mean gap in Indonesia Development

Jakarta Provincial Government will tighten making people sign cards (KTP). This tightening to address population growth rate in the capital.

Deputy Governor of the Jakarta Field Control of Population and Housing, Margani M Mustard, said there are several programs to address population growth. 

The program is in the form of approach to administration, supervision, family planning programs, and transmigration. "In our administrative supervision yustisi done through operations," said Margani in Jakarta.

Margani felt he had successfully put the brakes on population growth rate of DKI Jakarta. For ten years, he argued, DKI population growth of less than one million inhabitants. Nevertheless, the provincial will always be alert because people are always threatening the Jakarta blast.

To overcome the problem of population growth, he said, in itself can not be resolved by the Provincial Government of Jakarta, but must cooperate with other regions. Regarding restrictions on making ID cards for residents outside the area who want to move to Jakarta, Margani opinion can not be done.

He said Jakarta is an open area for everyone. Jakarta Provincial Government can only tighten the requirements for making ID cards. "We created the conditions as tight as possible. During the requirement, making ID cards still allowed, "he said.

Based on data from Central Bureau of Statistics the number of city dwellers, reaching 9.58 million. Meanwhile, the number of residents in the area of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Greater Jakarta) reached 26.6 million. Total population of Greater Jakarta are equivalent to the population in four countries, namely Australia's 20.8 million people, Singapore's 4.4 million inhabitants, 1.1 million people of East Timor, and Brunei Darussalam 0.39 million inhabitants.

Head of Civil Registration Office, Franky Mangatas Panjaitan, add one of the efforts undertaken to overcome the population growth is the creation of orderly administration of residence. This is partly done through tightening operation yustisi population with the arrival of people from outside Jakarta.

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