AYEE 2010 Taiwan: Indonesian Students Win Gold Medals

Indonesian junior high school students and re-engrave achievements abroad. This time, Dewi Lestari Amaliah (High School Students from Bulukumba, South Sulawesi), Sapphire Princess Dwi Tyas (junior high school student from East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara) and Mohamed Yahya Wildfire (High School Students from Kediri, East Java) had it the name the nations in the Asian Young Inventions of Energy Exhibition (AYEE 2010) which was held at Southern Taiwan University Campus (STUT) Tainan - Taiwan (10-11/07).

AYEE 2010 which for the first time held in Asia was followed by a number of students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan. The Indonesian team under the guidance LIPI consists of three young inventors are smart and resilient. No half-hearted immediate entourage, accompanied by the Head of LIPI Prof. Lukman Hakim and Head of the Cooperation Office of Science and Technology Dr Permasyarakatan. Faithful Dedi Permana.

Sapphire Princess Dwi Tyas, normalcy in the said Prince, a student SMPN 1 Aikmel, East Lombok managed to obtain a gold medal for his work on the battery charger, a kind of simple electrical generator mounted on the shoe in the paper titled "Shoes Electrical Energy Sources." With this technology, users can charge mobile phone battery to use while walking shoes.

Wildfire Muhammad Yahya, a student of SMAN 2 Pare, Kediri, East Java, which brought the innovation of the production of 4 pieces of product (biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas and organic fertilizers) from coconut through an integrated multilevel processing, gaining a silver medal for the category of high school students.

Meanwhile, Dewi Lestari Amaliah, female students of SMA Negeri 1 Bulukumba, South Sulawesi earn the bronze medal for his work on the production of biofuels and briquettes from coconut. An achievement that quite encouraging and hopefully continue in the future.

Tonight the group accompanied by the Head of Indonesian Economic Trade Office Industrial (KDEI) Taipei Zahidiputra Puar has been in Taipei and their schedule will return to their homeland Tuesday morning. Hopefully the achievements best sons and daughters of Indonesia can be maintained and followed by other students. Indonesia Today

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