Bendera burning indomie

Democratic People's Castle or better known as NGOs Bendera show its action again. Now the NGOs who often do strange things such as take advantage of the moment by performing acts which now burn Indomie that being raided in Taiwan. Why Indomie being burned?

In a release received on Tuesday (12/10/2010), this Indomie arson as a form of memorial day 1000 death of former President Suharto.

"In the 1,000 days commemorating the death of Suharto's New Order ruler and addressing the denial of Indomie in Hong Kong and Taiwan because they contain preservatives which dpaat endanger health. So we will conduct a press conference and action of 1,000 days of death and burning of Indomie Soeharto (Suharto's legacy)," said Bendera coordinator, Boy Adhyaksa.

Indomie combustion event which they regard as Suharto's legacy will take place at the Command Post Bendera, Jl Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, at 11.00 am.

Bendera NGOs are often controversial actions. Some time ago, they bury themselves action as a form of support to communities in Jakarta whose homes will be demolished by Satpol PP.

Finally, the action Bendera is 'global' as they do throwing the Office of the Embassy of Malaysia on 23 August. They conducted rallies in front of the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta by throwing feces and trampling on the Bendera of Malaysia.

The action is in protest at the arrest of three police officers by the CTF Islands Malaysia recently. The three officers were acquitted on 17 August.

Indomie raids against drawn from a number of supermarkets in Taiwan carried out because of instant noodles sold in this country and the world that contain preservatives methyl p-hydroxybenzoate are banned in Taiwan. Indonesia Today

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