Food Standards in Indonesia is a real shame: Apart from Indomie, Taiwan also Ban Sweets and Sugar from Indonesia

Apparently not only instant noodles that can not enter Taiwan due to contain preservatives. Brown sugar and candy particular brand of Indonesia are also barred from entering Taiwan. Tudingannya same, which contain hazardous materials.

"For the brown sugar was found to contain bleach so it does not get in Taiwan," said Bambang Mulyatno, Head of Trade of Indonesia Economic and Trade Office (KDEI) to Taipei on the sidelines of a meeting at the House of Representatives Commission VI here on Monday (11/10 / 2010). As for the candy, the Taiwan Health Department also found the presence of hazardous materials that can not consumed by the people of Taiwan.

The findings of the content of bleach on brown sugar and candy failing unprecedented. Step resolution, the two countries establish a consultation phase center. "They (the Taiwanese authorities) had to send questions and also our responsibility. Samba is merely like this done, "said Bambang who came to Indonesia to attend a working meeting at the House of Representatives.

To face these accusations Taiwan, Bambang called food and beverage manufacturers to set up the line. He also requested that the business pro-active and willing to work together to resolve cases of harmful substances found in foods that are exported to Taiwan.

"It takes the seriousness, including producers and associations as well, and the competent authorities to follow through," said Bambang. Indonesia Today

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