The police could be freed Ariel Peterporn

The police investigator will make deep investigation on cases of immoral acts and circulation of pornographic videos involving three Indonesian celebrities, namely Ariel, Luna Maya, and Cut Tari.

The assurance was conveyed by Head of General Police Headquarters Information Commissioner Marwoto Soeto in Jakarta on Monday (11/10/2010). "We want to make deep investigation this week because the time is urgent," said Marwoto.

He said the title of this case will be made after inspection file Ariel equipped police force, received at once examined by the Attorney General. As for the file itself has been completed by police and returned to the Attorney General on Monday (4/10/2010) ago.

"We have completed the file and return it to the prosecutor after previously returned by the prosecutor to us because it is not yet complete," he said.

Meanwhile, when contacted separately, attorney Ariel and Luna Maya, OC Kaligis, was reluctant to comment on the progress of this case. "Ask the police please, if I'm the police, yes I replied," Kaligis said.

While the legal counsel Cut Tari, Hotman Paris Hutapea, states can not comment on his case would be done by the police.

The reason, he just arrived in the country from abroad so as not to follow the progress of the case his client. "I just got here from London, so do not know ariel progress," Hotman said. Indonesia Today

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