Sutiyoso: 3 Year Lead, Fauzi Bowo like not doing anything

Responding to three years of leadership to lead DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo, former Governor of the two previous periods, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Sutiyoso rate, Foke must work harder to complete its promises before elected governor yesterday. Bang Yos said, until the moment he saw Foke can not make anything for three years leading the capital city.

"I expect the remaining two years he finished racing. He must show their quality in two years. Because chances are that's all. This means that it's three years he has not made anything," said Sutiyoso in an opportunity in Jakarta some time ago.

Bang Yos opinion, the current Governor of Jakarta has too many ideas and plans that it can not be realized all of them. Supposedly, Foke solve existing problems before they develop into other problems.

"The focus of course was the same transport. Continue the easy course, such as the busway. It's the remaining two years, an opportunity to show the principal promises he had promised before," said Bang Yos.

While on his opinion about the flooding in the capital city, former Jakarta governor to two consecutive periods considers Jakarta government will not be able to finish it before megapolitan concept actually in effect.

"Well, if that's not a matter of flooding will be resolved when there is no megapolitan. The issue is not only resolved flooding in Jakarta, but also starting from the upper reaches there. So it took the cooperation continued and more serious talks," he said. Indonesia Today

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