Borneo Island: suitable for Indonesia's capital

Great Indonesia Movement Party supports the removal of discourse from the state capital city of Jakarta. According to the Secretary-General Gerindra, Ahmad Muzani, the most suitable area is on the island of Borneo.

"The discourse was the capital transfer from Soekarno era, but until now did not happen," said Muzani. "So in my opinion, this discourse has been too long and too often, in every presidential regime is always discourse," he said at the parliament building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, July 26, 2010.

And now, according to Muzani, not just discourse. Time to parliament to decide. "We think the ideal is to build a new area for the capital," he said. "The most ideal is Borneo."

Borneo is considered Muzani still good. If the capital was moved to it, can occur even distribution of development. "Jakarta'll be the center of business," he said.

"But this is not just my opinion discourses alone. There should be a serious agreement between the government, parliament, and all parties to move the capital since a lot of countries that have succeeded," said Muzani.

Muzani call, move the capital to Islamabad Pakistan, Saudi Arabia from Jeddah to Riyadh, Australia from Sydney to Canberra, Malaysia moved to Putrajaya, and South Africa moved from Cape Town to Johannesburg. "So many who succeeded her. Well, we managed to mewacanakan, yet managed to implement," said Muzani.

Earlier, Vice Chairman of Commission II Teguh Juwarno rolling again proposed the transfer of this capital city of Jakarta was too jammed with reason and prone to earthquakes. But the Secretary General of Golkar, Idrus Marham, transfer rate is not the time.

Traffic congestion in Jakarta is estimated to cost the people of Jakarta Rp 17.2 trillion every year. Estimated loss was the result of the Jakarta Transportation Agency study in 2009. Currently, the government sought the construction of mass rapid transit in Jakarta and build new roads. Indonesia Today

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