Koreans Likes Luwak Coffee very much

Appreciation of the Indonesian civet coffee products in the domestic Korean ginseng is extraordinary. Luwak coffee has become its own prestige for urban Korean society in general.

Trade Attache Indonesian Embassy in Korea Dody Edward reveals, a small cup of coffee prices in the mongoose Indonesia Korea valued up to 50,000 Korean Won or equivalent to Rp 400,000. This condition is a lucrative market for Indonesian Luwak coffee products.

"The Koreans were talkative, there Luwak coffee has become a prestige," he said when met at the Parliament building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (10/11/2010).

Currently Dody said, every corner in urban Korea has started a fever, especially coffee Luwak coffee. Luwak coffee, go Dody has become distinctive lifestyle for people in urban Korea.

"Civet Coffee became the prestige of the hotel price is 50,000 won, or equivalent to Rp 400,000," he said.

He added that overall demand for Indonesia's coffee exports to Taiwan each year listed a staggering figure. The development from 2008 Indonesian coffee exports to Korea only U.S. $ 1.66 million while in 2009 has reached U.S. $ 10.417 million.

"From January-July 2010 coffee exports to Korea have increased 96%, ie U.S. $ 6.2 million, during the same period last year only U.S. $ 3.1 million," he said.

Seeing this situation continues it will boost the promotion and marketing of Indonesian products including coffee Luwak coffee. The plan he will also embrace the Ministry of Agriculture and local governments coffee producer in the country.

"It's special to the problem Luwak coffee is on the certification, there is no institution that states if it is genuine or not," he said.

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