Members of Parliament will make a Comparative Study in Greece to meet Plato and Aristotle

Plan a comparative study of Honorary Board (BK) of Indonesia's House of Representatives to Greece to study the parliamentary ethics, successful people reap criticism. Parliament seemed to care less and less time will enforce, by challenging the logic of thinking people.

"They do not listen to the voice of society. If you want to cheat should be a little smarter," said UI political analyst Maswadi Rauf, Tuesday (19/10/2010).

According UI professor of political science, the reason for learning the ethics of the first democratic country in the world, is making it up. Greece only victorious in the past, but now the Greek democracy is worse than other European countries.

"If you want to learn the political ethics of Plato, Aristotle, did not have to go far away to Greece. Lecture course with me in S2 UI Political Science. It's cheaper," Maswadi said with a laugh.

On October 23, 2010, 8 members of the House Ethics Council will study visit to Greece for about 6 days. They will explore the ethics and discipline in the parliamentary level.

"They're in there's been a long time, since ancient Roman times. From ancient times already existed. How is life senator, we pingin know," said Vice Chairman of the House BK Nudirman Munir, when asked why study visit to Greece in the Parliament Building, Senayan , Jakarta, Tuesday (19/10/2010).

BK departure plan is increasing the length of study tours to overseas members of the House of Representatives. The latest, a member of Parliament who are members of the Legislature (Baleg) will also be study visits to Japan and the Philippines. The visit is considered important for Baleg to the front. Upon their return from the two countries, their claims can produce a fairly good productivity and high in the preparation of the Act. Indonesia Today

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