October 20 Demonstration: Diponegoro chaos, One Student Shot

A student reportedly shot in the foot, when there were riots in action, held a student at Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, today. The rally was held in commemoration of one year of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Boediono.

The student who was shot was named Farel Restu, from the University of Bung Karno's army, 2008, was shot in the leg. Now the victim has been rushed to the hospital using a car owned by LBH Jakarta.

"It was brought to the ER RSCM, we asked the police accountable for their actions," said coordinator of the action named Alit.

Riot occurred when officers disperse student action that blocked the road, because it was causing long traffic jams. Ittu resisted efforts of students. Last chaos inevitable.

Alit alleges that while removing the warning shots, there officers who intentionally directing fire on students.

Now students are urged to continue to enter into the Way of Chemistry. Age of this incident, officers also mendur and students back in charge of the road. Several members of the Contrast and LBH Jakarta, is now trying to mediate officers clashed with students for not re-erupt. Indonesia Today

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