Students close the Diponegoro street and burned tires

The mass of students rallied on Jalan Diponegoro. Not only demonstrate, they also block the road. As a number of groups that rallied today, a rally in Diponegoro was held in commemoration of one year Persiden SBY's government, which falls on today, Wednesday, October 28, 2010.

Mahsiswa mass that originated from several campuses in Jakarta, it joined the organization Movement KM Kingdom. On the road in the Diponegoro that they burned old tires.

As a result of blocking it, long traffic jams occur on Jalan Diponegoro. These students carried the demands the resignation of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). They accuse the government failed to realize the people's welfare

Currently, the police were alerted to secure the location of demonstrations. Some members of the armed Brimob also alerted.

Previously, students had tried to break up that block the road using tear gas. As a result, action can not be avoided clashes.

"Three times the flag wounds, and one is secured. Still we are looking for," said coordinator bendara, Mustar Bona Ventura. Indonesia Today

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