Soon, the Indonesia-Russia Direct Flight

Russia would be more easily accessible to the people of Indonesia. Soon, there will be a direct flight from Indonesia to the former Soviet Union country.

Garuda Indonesia Airlines direct route is planned to serve both countries.

This is the agreement reached in a meeting between Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov in Moscow, Friday, October 15, 2010.

"Good air links agreement between the two countries can be signed on the sidelines between series of meetings of the 17th ASEAN Summit and related Other summit in Hanoi next week," Natalegawa said in a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition to air transportation sector, the two foreign ministers also agreed to enhance cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism and disaster management.

On that occasion, Foreign Minister Lavrov also expressed its commitment to facilitate the opening of the Consulate General of Indonesia in the territory of Russia so as to enhance economic and trade interests of Indonesia in Russia.

In addition to the interests of two countries, also discussed several issues such as the Korean Peninsula, the Middle East peace process, nuclear Iran, Kosovo, as well as regional issues, including ASEAN, the new regional architecture, and development in the South China Sea.

"Indonesia is committed to the Asia Pacific region continues to create a more stable, peaceful and prosperous based on a" dynamic equilibrium "in the constellation of relations between countries in the region" said Natalegawa. Indonesia Today

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