Wasior Tragedy: As usual, Yudhoyono was always late

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono vowed to review the flood disaster in West Papua Wasior, Wednesday (13/10) future.

This was said by the President during a limited cabinet meeting led the field of welfare of the people at the presidential office said Monday.

"The day after tomorrow (Wednesday 13/10-red) I'll go over there are planning two days and two nights to see straight and take a decision what to do with government and local government," the president said.

Head of State explained on arrival in Manokwari from Jakarta, he expects the Navy's warships are ready to set sail for the journey towards Wasior Wasior thus not depending on weather conditions.

"The TNI has been muster marine transportation and engineering units, just come later that night I was able to sail with the ships of war so I do not depend on the weather," said President.

On that occasion the President said during the direct review of disaster management in Wasior, he will also see whether the disaster was caused ecological damage or just due to bad weather.

Previously, Social Affairs Salim Segaf Aljufrie before attending a cabinet meeting said that until Monday (11/10) the amount of assistance given to the handling of victims in Wasior reached 5 billion, each of which comes from the President of Rp2 billion, BNPB Rp1 billion and the Ministry of Social USD 2 billion.

"If from the side of food, drinking water and basic needs we see enough yes. If the warehouse we saw in there 10 days to two weeks longer enough," he explained.

Monday afternoon, the President held a limited cabinet meeting to discuss the development of the field of Public Welfare in Wasior flood mitigation.

The meeting was attended by vice president, Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono, Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa, three ministries Djoko Suyanto, Menkes Endang Sedyaningsih, Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto, Social Affairs Segaf Aljufrie Salim, Minister of Transportation Freddy Numberi, TNI chief Gen. Agus Suhartono and National Police Chief Gen. (Pol) Bambang Hendarso Danuri. Indonesia Today

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