Indonesia Fact: Gold Ring for Indonesia House of Representative Members as Gift for their "Great" Job at the end of their service!

"Sleep at House of Representative mode ON"

"House of Representative Rings"

At the end of their service on The House of Representative (HoR), many of HoR members think that they are proper to get gift because of their "great" job that done "very great" at the HoR. The Internal Affair Commission of The HoR (BURT or Badan Urusan Rumah Tangga Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) said that there was a budget for that thing. Their plan is to give all of HoR members with 10 grams of gold ring each. But Indonesian doesn't agree with this move, Indonesian for sure will give each of HoR a ton of gold if they have a great job done. This plan show the Indonesian that the HoR members not represent their aspiration, they only care with their business not people bussines. They waste away people money from tax and others for their business, looks 10 grams of gold rings are worth at least 3 million rupiahs or 300 US $ and it will give for 678 members of HoR, so the budget for that thing is more than 2 billion rupiahs or more than 200.000 US $. What a waste money at this crisis time on Indonesia. Many of Indonesian poor people were much proper to get that money than the HoR members! and the important thing is that the Indonesian feel that the HoR was not do the job very well but too worse to tell about. Indonesia Today

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