IF ancient womanhood does not like having sex with many men, young women of today more than three times slept with many men. As a woman with the title "Swinging Sixties", the famous contemporary femininity with a mini skirt, Rolling Stones, and medicine. So according to a recent study.
Although the image of womanhood is currently happy to practice free love, women's average age was 24 years old in 1960 had 1.72 times the change of sexual partners. On the other hand, women are now the same age have a 5.65 average bed partners, in excess of her mother, who tend to have 3.72 partners.
The study of 3,000 women of all ages conducted by Lloydspharmacy, shows that sex is likely to develop a risk-free sexual health, particularly cervical cancer. Increased risk of sexual health for women at the time of screening and better information should reduce these things. So that was quoted by the Times of India, on Tuesday (16/11/2010).
A spokesman for Lloydspharmacy said, that the rate of cervical cancer in women under the age of 25 years did not decline during the last decade despite the screening performed better. It makes sense, because it may be a large number of their sexual partners, so the report from Scotland.
This study also promote the campaign for women to get a vaccine against HPV-human papilloma virus-which is a sexually transmitted infection and the main cause of cervical cancer.
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