JAKARTA - social networking applications like Facebook turned out to dominate 60 percent of traffic data services Indosat.Application is the key to download the telecom operators drive data services.
As stated by Indosat Marketing Group Head of VAS, Teguh Prasetya, on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony Innovation Lab Indosat in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/11/2010).
"Besides Facebook, other data services is the Blackberry Messenger," said Teguh.
Mobile applications, according to True, very potential to be developed in the future."Now people are still many people who develop a PC-based services. Yet more promising mobile applications. Now a new PC penetration of 5 million while reaching 200 million mobile devices," said Teguh.
The presence of application stores remain a telecommunications operator needs to bring it to the customer. Therefore Indosat will remodel the store i-go applications and i-stores.
"Next year, we will change the i-go and i-stores," said Teguh.
Consumption of data services, continued True, at this time also influenced the size of the display of a gadget."Screen of course consume larger data. Usually IPAD users spend around 1.5 GB per month," said Teguh.